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Ring of Fire Health Survey

Dear Potential Participant,
You are invited to participate in this survey to explore health concerns related to the potential future Ring of Fire mining activities that may affect residents in th Sault. Ste. Marie to Thunder Bay connecting travel corridor and communities. You are being requested to participate in this study because you have important experiences, perspectives, and ideas to share.


Taking part in this study is voluntary. To participate you must be over the age of 15 and live in Sault Ste. Marie, Thunder Bay or connecting travel corridors/communities. Before you decide whether or not you would like to participate, please read this information carefully to understand what is involved.


Why is this research important? This research will generate new knowledge and baseline data on health concerns among residents related to mining and related activities in the Ring of Fire. Findings will provide input on health impacts related to development activities in the Ring of Fire, and help inform the development of the Terms of Reference for the federal Regional Assessment of the Ring of Fire.


What is involved in the survey? If you agree to voluntarily participate in this survey, participation will involve completing the online survey with 10 questions that will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey includes questions about your interests and concerns in relation to mineral extractions and related activities in the geological mineral zone known as the Ring of Fire in Northern Ontario.


Are there any risks to participating in this study? There are no foreseeable risks or harm to participating in this study. There are no costs to you, aside from your time. While the questions within the survey have not been crafted to elicit emotional responses, some respondents may have emotional responses such as stress or anxiety. You may skip questions or exit the survey at any time, for any reason, and without consequence.


Are there any benefits of participating? This research will have limited benefit to you directly, although you may enjoy sharing your perspectives on and experiences around mining and mineral extraction activities. Also, should you decide to participate in any future Regional Assessment, providing input at this stage may help formulate your future thoughts and guide your participation. You may also benefit by raising matters of particular interest or concern to yourself early in the study process. We expect that the research will make a positive contribution to society by generating new knowledge and informing action.


How will confidentiality be maintained? Should you agree to participate in this study, you will be participating anonymously. We do not ask your name in the survey.

*Please note that the online survey tool used in the study, Google Forms, is hosted by a server located in the USA. The US Patriot Act permits U.S. law enforcement officials, for the purpose of anti-terrorism investigation, to seek a court order that allows access to the personal records of any person without the person’s knowledge. In view of this, we cannot absolutely guarantee the full confidentiality and anonymity of your data. Use of a TOR Browser or VPN to complete the survey may mitigate that risk. With your consent to participate in this study, you acknowledge this.


What are my rights as a participant? Your participation in this study is voluntary and you have the right to refuse to participate. If you decide to participate, you may still choose to withdraw from the study for whatever reason and without prejudice. There are no consequences to withdrawing. In cases of withdrawal, any data you provided will not be saved. You may also decline to answer any questions.


How can I withdraw from the study? Because the survey is anonymous, once you have clicked submit at the end of the survey, your results cannot be withdrawn. However, if at any point during the survey you would like to skip a question or withdraw your responses you can stop answering the survey without any consequence.


What will the data be used for? The research team will have access to the anonymized data and will use the data to develop a baseline understanding of health concerns related to any future Ring of Fire mineral activities. The results will inform the development of the Terms of Reference for the Regional Assessment of the Ring of Fire. We may develop communications, such as blogs, media releases or infographics, to share with the public at different stages of this research and study. We may also use the results for future monitoring activities to better understand health and health impacts and trends within the study area.


How will data be stored? Data collected during this study will be kept on a password-protected online server. Data will be stored for at least 7 years after the completion of the study.


How can I access study results?

We expect to have study results available in 2024/2025. You can learn what documentable results are available and receive the study results by contacting Dr. Robert Rattle (see below). We will also share outcomes on the Crane Institute for Sustainability website.


Where does funding for this study come from?

This study is funded by the Government of Canada.


Who to contact if you have questions?

If you have questions or need more information about the study, please contact the principal investigator, Robert Rattle through our contact form here.


THANK YOU for your time and participation.

This research study follows the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans Research Ethics Practices.




Taking part in this study is entirely up to you. You have the right to refuse to participate in this study. If you decide to take part, you may choose to withdraw from the study up until data are submitted without giving a reason and without any negative consequence to you.


You agree to the following:

  • You have read and understood the information in the Information letter.

  • You are a volunteer and freely agree to participate.

  • You are over the age of 15

  • You reside in the Sault Ste. Marie to Thunder Bay corridor

  • You understand the risks and benefits of the study.

  • You can withdraw from the study while completing the survey without negative consequences. However, once you have completed the survey and submitted your responses, you cannot withdraw because the survey is anonymous.

  • You will remain anonymous.

  • You understand that the response that you provide in the survey may be used in various communications but you will not be identified.

  • Research findings that are published will be available upon request.

  • The survey data will be securely stored online for a minimum of 7 years following the completion of this study.


I have read and agreed to the above information and consent to proceed to the online survey.

Note that you may need to scroll your screen up or down as you navigate through the survey. Survey is optimised for a computer.

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