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Youth Let Down Stand Up to Climate Change Inaction

In Quebec, an organization for youth called ENvironnement JEUnesse filed an application for class action against the Government of Canada for their inaction on climate change. The group, which filed the application on behalf all Quebeckers 35 years and under, claims that because of the government’s inadequacy in responding to climate change, it is infringing upon the fundamental rights of young people. This response speaks to a voice in the youth that is fed up with the inactions of those in positions of power to effectively address climate change. This is far from the only expression of dissatisfaction brought forth by youth recently. In Sweden, 15-year-old Greta Thunberg is raising international attention for skipping classes on Fridays to protest for climate change action. In Australia, numerous students protested outside parliament for climate change action. Even locally in Sudbury, 11-year-old Sophia Mathur is missing school to protest on climate change. An upcoming opportunity for youth to organize a protest in solidarity with Greta Thunberg is December 7, 2018 during the Katowice Climate Change Conference.

The strong sentiment raised by these dissatisfied youth brings to light that the time for being wishy-washy on climate change action is over, meaningful climate action needs to be taken now. If the youth, who are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, are making this clear through their actions, perhaps it is then time for those in power to take a lesson from the younger generation and take more meaningful actions.

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